《Promise Me》Harlan Coben

終於看完Harlan Coben的《Promise Me》,第一次翻開這本書是年初的事,後來不知為何被擱在一邊,直至近日才花上幾天時間把它看完。

看過好幾本Harlan的作品,但以Myron Bolitar為主角的還是第一本(原來Promise Me已是Myron Bolitar系列的第八本了)。故事和作者其他作品相近,依然是無辜的主角無端捲入離奇失蹤事件,一方面受警方懷疑,另一方面卻被不知名的惡勢力襲擊,在幾經波折下終於找出真相,救出受害人。舖排雖然欠了點新意,但幸好真相仍能叫人意想不到(不會像Dan Brown的作品那樣一式一樣),所以還是值得一看的。

《Promise Me》Harlan Coben
作者:Harlan Coben
出版社:Penguin Group (USA) Inc
內容簡介(轉載自Harlan Coben Official Website)
The school year is almost over. Anxious families await word of college acceptances. In these last pressure-cooker months of high school, some kids will make the all-too-common and all-too-dangerous mistake of drinking and driving. But Myron is determined to help keep his friends’ children safe, and so he makes two neighborhood girls promise him: If they are ever in a bind but are afraid to call their parents, they must call him.

Several nights later, the call comes at 2:00 am, and true to his word, Myron picks up one of the girls in midtown Manhattan and drives her to a quiet cul-de-sac in New Jersey where she says her friend lives.

The next day, the girl’s parents discover that their daughter is missing. And that Myron was the last person to see her. Desperate to fulfill a well-intentioned promise turned nightmarishly wrong, Myron races to find her before she’s gone forever. But his past will not be buried so easily – for trouble has always stalked him, and those he loves are the ones who suffer. Now Myron must decide once and for all who he is and what he will stand up for if he is to have any hope of saving a young girl’s life.

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