Goodbye, Jorja! Goodbye, Sara!

There are so many things I want to do! Some are personal. Some are professional. And I really need to do some of them before I get too old.”

— Jorja Fox

Jorja Fox終於正式確認自己會離開CSI(Source: Entertainment Weekly),告別這套演了七年的電視劇。作為CSI的擁戴者,我當然不捨得,因為除了Gil Grissom(William Petersen飾演)外,Jorja所飾演的Sara Sidle也都是另一個筆者相當喜愛的角色,她的離開叫人難過。但怎樣都好,在此都祝願她一切順利!

Goodbye, Sara!

不知道將來她會不會以Guest Star身份再次出現在CSI呢?希望會吧!

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